Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It is a Miracle!

My pain medicine had stopped working for my Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia. I couldn’t go walking with my boyfriend. Often I would cry myself to sleep at night and was scheduled to have a hip replacement. During the first two weeks on the Helen Foundation Clinic program, half of my pain disappeared. I was flaring because of eating milk, wheat and gluten. After completing the program, I go to ball games and can walk around the entire stadium. I cancelled my hip replacement surgery because the pain went down so much. I can laugh again. My work colleagues say “Penny’s back.” For those starting the Helen Foundation Clinic program, Microdose Therapytm, for Osteoarthritis or Fibromyalgia, I recommend that you stick to the rules, follow everything the doctor and your educator says and you will love life again. It is a miracle!

Penny L. Sehr, Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia

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