Four months ago, I really didn’t think I had a future. My fear was that I would be in a wheel chair for the rest of my life. I had suffered with pain for six long years. I too a drug called Baycal for high cholesterol. It causes fatigue, muscle damage, 24 hour-a-day headaches and pain through out my body. I had back and shoulder pain along with restlessness nights
An acupuncturist treated me for four years for the pain. The acupuncturist suggested that I had fibromyalgia. I received little relief. No treatment lasted. I couldn’t go shopping. I had to stay in the car while my husband did the shopping. Injections into my back and shoulder were of no help. When I went to bed at night, I slept in a fetal position because of the pain.
I saw an advertisement for Microdose Therapy in the newspaper and decided Ill try one more treatment. Within four days I began feeling relief. I could stretch out my legs in bed and could sleep better. I discontinued using sleeping pills. I can now walk and go up and down stairs.
Today, I keep track of my pain level and part of my Microdose Therapy program. Things that used to stress me out, no longer have control over me. I now have control of my pain and symptoms with cortisol. My husband loves the new me and so do I. Thanks to God and the Helen Foundation and its crew, who helped me through the program, I am pain free most of the time. Now I can dance.
Mary Bastaich, Arthritis & Fibromyalgia
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