When we were young, we walked, ran and jumped in school exercise classes, football, and baseball. Our legs would bend at midpoint at our every command. Everyone had knees and they always worked perfectly.
Then I got older. At first, there wasn’t much pain in my knees. It could be ignored with the hope that it would go away. Slowly and steadily the pains became worse.
Long walks were futile. The longer the walk, the more my knees hurt. So I walked less, gained more weight. The additional weight added to the burden my knees already had. This was a perplexing problem. The escape route was not obvious.
When I laid in bed trying to sleep, my knee pain appeared to get worse. Laying down, all I could focus fully on the pain. Sleep was difficult. Heat treatments were of no help.
As a professor of ancient history at the University of Nebraska, I gave lectures while standing on sore knees. Standing was better than moving. I put more emphasis on my words and less on body movement. How my body appeared to the students was secondary to how I felt. I consoled myself with the thought that the students were there to listen to what I had to say.
The surgeon concluded that my knee was ‘bone on bone’ after he carefully studied a black and white ghost image of what was my knee. I imagined what the pain would be if two bones were rubbed against each other within the flesh of my body. He continued to comfort me by explaining that I was not to worry about since he could saw off the two ends of the joint, drill out the bones, insert high tech, metal joints that would not rust, and inferred that it brand new knee without pain.
The surgery went well. It took quite awhile to get over it. There wasn’t much pain left in my bionic knee. I could function rather well. Overall, I decided that I really didn’t want to go through the surgery again should my left knee get that bad.
My worst fears came to pass. The left knee did get more painful. Again sleep was better in an easy chair.
I retired from the University. My wife Janet and I moved to sunny Arizona. I could imagine the dry warm weather being soothing to my aching knee. It felt better to not walk on ice and not but on heavy winter clothing to ward off the Nebraska winters. However, the left knee pain continued.
Searching for an alternative to surgery, I attended a lecture on Microdose Therapy developed by a professor at a University for his wife with arthritis. It made sense. Janet and I discussed entering the program. The statistics were impressive and the risk of side effects appeared minimal.
To my amazement using Microdose Therapy, I lost most of my knee pain in one week. The little that was left totally disappeared shortly thereafter. I could walk without pain and after completing a walk, the pain did not come back.
Then I began thinking the relief was temporary and feared that it would come back. That was in 2001. Now it is 2006 and it has not come back. I won. I avoided knee replacement surgery for my left knee.
I am no longer a 20-year-old who can run, walk and jump. However, I can walk without pain. I am grateful to the folks at Microdose Therapy for having this potent treatment. Janet is great advocate of Microdose Therapy. I am more reserved.
I no longer take my knees for granted. With my knees not hurting, I live life more normally.
Nels Forde, Ph.D., Professor of Ancient History, University of Nebraska
The Helen Foundation mission is promoting patient self-administration of cortisol [Microdose Therapy] for diseases of inflammation to compensate for it's lack of economic driving force.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Now I can dance!
Four months ago, I really didn’t think I had a future. My fear was that I would be in a wheel chair for the rest of my life. I had suffered with pain for six long years. I too a drug called Baycal for high cholesterol. It causes fatigue, muscle damage, 24 hour-a-day headaches and pain through out my body. I had back and shoulder pain along with restlessness nights
An acupuncturist treated me for four years for the pain. The acupuncturist suggested that I had fibromyalgia. I received little relief. No treatment lasted. I couldn’t go shopping. I had to stay in the car while my husband did the shopping. Injections into my back and shoulder were of no help. When I went to bed at night, I slept in a fetal position because of the pain.
I saw an advertisement for Microdose Therapy in the newspaper and decided Ill try one more treatment. Within four days I began feeling relief. I could stretch out my legs in bed and could sleep better. I discontinued using sleeping pills. I can now walk and go up and down stairs.
Today, I keep track of my pain level and part of my Microdose Therapy program. Things that used to stress me out, no longer have control over me. I now have control of my pain and symptoms with cortisol. My husband loves the new me and so do I. Thanks to God and the Helen Foundation and its crew, who helped me through the program, I am pain free most of the time. Now I can dance.
Mary Bastaich, Arthritis & Fibromyalgia
An acupuncturist treated me for four years for the pain. The acupuncturist suggested that I had fibromyalgia. I received little relief. No treatment lasted. I couldn’t go shopping. I had to stay in the car while my husband did the shopping. Injections into my back and shoulder were of no help. When I went to bed at night, I slept in a fetal position because of the pain.
I saw an advertisement for Microdose Therapy in the newspaper and decided Ill try one more treatment. Within four days I began feeling relief. I could stretch out my legs in bed and could sleep better. I discontinued using sleeping pills. I can now walk and go up and down stairs.
Today, I keep track of my pain level and part of my Microdose Therapy program. Things that used to stress me out, no longer have control over me. I now have control of my pain and symptoms with cortisol. My husband loves the new me and so do I. Thanks to God and the Helen Foundation and its crew, who helped me through the program, I am pain free most of the time. Now I can dance.
Mary Bastaich, Arthritis & Fibromyalgia
I can live life again.
“You just can’t cope with something that usurps things from every part of your life,” explains Helen with tears in her eyes. I have been through a lot of bad times, but fibromyalgia is the worst.
It all began in 1985 when I was diagnosed by a rheumatologist in New Hampshire with rheumatoid arthritis. I was told to take Tylenol. Over the succeeding years, the diagnosis was bursitis, tendonitis, osteoarthritis and finally at one of our country’s leading clinics, I was diagnosed as having fibromyalgia.
In all, I was prescribed sixteen different arthritis medicines over the years. Of the sixteen, prednisone was the only one that worked. The physicians would ramp up the prednisone dosage over six months, keep it at the maximum for another six months and taper me off prednisone for another six months. I went through five of these prednisone cycles. I gained weight each time, and then I would diet to lose it again. The last time, I gained weight and couldn’t take it off. I don’t want anymore prednisone.
Then we traveled to Arizona, and I found the weather was wonderful! I lost a lot of pain in the sunshine and dry climate. My constant companion husband of 55 year said, “That’s it. We are moving to Arizona.” After prednisone, I used azulfidine for years. But even in sunny Arizona, I began hurting again.
One day my husband encouraged me to go to a lecture on using Microdose Therapy for fibromyalgia. It made sense, so I started the program. The results were almost unbeleivable! Microdose Therapy gave me my life back. Now I can live life again. I often am somewhat critical of my past care, but that doesn’t solve any problems. I push the negative thoughts out of my mind, and am grateful to be pain-free again. Life is a whole lot better now.
Helen Day, Fibromyalgia
I have my life back!
Osteoarthritis started about the age of 40. Gradually, aches and pains increased throughout my body over the next 20 years. After I broke my left hand, it hurt and stayed hurting. It attracts my attention unpleasantly when I pull hoses and climb ladders. Naprosyn had been my trusted constant companion for years.
When my physician found that my kidneys were being damaged by this medication, I was forced into selecting from the alternatives placed before me. First, I had my hips replaced. Then the trouble moved into my knees. Next, Microdose Therapytm gave me relief throughout my body, but my wrist and neck still hurt. Then, I selected Prolo Therapy, irritant injections into troubled areas for a counterirritant action, for these.
This required discontinuance of anti-inflammatory medicines including Microdose Therapy. Predictably, I got worse, my wrist got better, I restarted Microdose Therapy, I got better yet, and my supervisor assigned me to a less physically challenging job. It took awhile, but I have my life back! With Microdose Therapy, I have control over the bad days without damage to my kidneys. Osteoarthritis does not control my life anymore.
Howard Clark, Osteoarthritis
When my physician found that my kidneys were being damaged by this medication, I was forced into selecting from the alternatives placed before me. First, I had my hips replaced. Then the trouble moved into my knees. Next, Microdose Therapytm gave me relief throughout my body, but my wrist and neck still hurt. Then, I selected Prolo Therapy, irritant injections into troubled areas for a counterirritant action, for these.
This required discontinuance of anti-inflammatory medicines including Microdose Therapy. Predictably, I got worse, my wrist got better, I restarted Microdose Therapy, I got better yet, and my supervisor assigned me to a less physically challenging job. It took awhile, but I have my life back! With Microdose Therapy, I have control over the bad days without damage to my kidneys. Osteoarthritis does not control my life anymore.
Howard Clark, Osteoarthritis
Gained my Mobility Back!

Before I started the Microdose Therapy program my mobility was limited and the things I used to love to do I couldn’t do anymore.
During the Shower, I couldn’t believe the how fast the relief was. Within days I was able to slowly start doing those things I loved to before. I can travel with my wife without the pain and discomfort I had before.
Personally I would recommend the Microdose Therapy program to everyone. It’s easy and the relief you receive is fast.
Richard "Rocky" Frey, Arthritis
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The Best Kept Secret

“My husband would have to help me up from sitting and hold on to me till I took the first few steps. It was painful to do everything. It was even very painful to sleep,” explains Kay Archambo with Fibromyalgia.
"I attended a seminar sponsored by the Helen Foundation. I decided to try it. I was amazed how fast I got relief. Within three weeks, I got to the point where I no longer took my narcotic pain medicine. I was able to walk and stand up straight. I began to ride my bicycle. I hiked four miles on the desert, climbed mountains, and carried a four pound rock back to the car. I get up from sitting without my husband’s help. My attitude has really improved. My husband describes Microdose Therapy as the best kept secret that people need. For me, Microdose Therapy has given my life back from Fibromyalgia, “ Kay concludes.
Kay Archambo, Fibromyalgia, Owasso, Oklahoma
"I attended a seminar sponsored by the Helen Foundation. I decided to try it. I was amazed how fast I got relief. Within three weeks, I got to the point where I no longer took my narcotic pain medicine. I was able to walk and stand up straight. I began to ride my bicycle. I hiked four miles on the desert, climbed mountains, and carried a four pound rock back to the car. I get up from sitting without my husband’s help. My attitude has really improved. My husband describes Microdose Therapy as the best kept secret that people need. For me, Microdose Therapy has given my life back from Fibromyalgia, “ Kay concludes.
Kay Archambo, Fibromyalgia, Owasso, Oklahoma
Using the Microdose Therapy program, 83% of patients averaged 77% symptom relief. These results were accomplished by using an established, FDA-approved, generic medicine, hydrocortisone, in a new way, that is, patient self-administration. On Microdose Therapy, patients are taught to use hydrocortisone on the bad days and not on the good ones. When used in this way, the renowned efficacy of hydrocortisone known is retained and over dosage with its well-known adverse reactions is avoided.
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