The pain began when she was fourteen years old. After an automobile accident, the pain became continuous. “People who have not experienced that type of pain can’t really relate to it or understand,” explains Shirley. As her Fibromyalgia worsened, Shirley found it was difficult to do simple tasks as vacuuming, making the bed, and shopping. “I would do it but I would hurt all the time I was doing it. I would not wish this pain on anyone, not even my worst enemy.” “People who have not experienced this type of pain can’t really relate to it or understand,” explains Shirley. She and her husband moved to Arizona. Constant arthritis pain, a bout with cancer and an irregular heartbeat kept her from fully enjoying retirement. Shirley began Microdose Therapy at the Helen Foundation Clinic with the encouragement of her heart specialist. After three days, she became almost pain-free. “As you can imagine, I was totally ecstatic,” explained Shirley. “The medical profession does not realize there is a way to use cortisone that is not terrible. But it sure keeps me comfortable.” Shirley has not experienced the well-known side effects of hydrocortisone in the five years on Microdose Therapy because she uses so little hydrocortisone. “Hydrocortisone is a hormone of the body and when it is used in replacement dosages, nothing can happen,” explains Shirley, “Made sense to me and it really works.”
Shirley Kriger, Fibromyalgia, Apache Junction, AZ
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